Formation of the neural network architecture of the model and downloading its weights to obtain deep features (video modality)

  • _b5.video_model_deep_fe_ - Neural network model tf.keras.Model for obtaining deep features

Import required packages

from import Run


_b5 = Run(
    lang = 'en', # Inference language
    color_simple = '#333', # Plain text color (hexadecimal code)
    color_info = '#1776D2', # The color of the text containing the information (hexadecimal code)
    color_err = '#FF0000', # Error text color (hexadecimal code)
    color_true = '#008001', # Text color containing positive information (hexadecimal code)
    bold_text = True, # Bold text
    num_to_df_display = 30, # Number of rows to display in tables
    text_runtime = 'Runtime', # Runtime text
    metadata = True # Displaying information about library

[2023-12-10 17:08:31] OCEANAI - personality traits:    Authors:        Elena Ryumina []        Dmitry Ryumin []        Alexey Karpov []    Maintainers:        Elena Ryumina []        Dmitry Ryumin []    Version: 1.0.0a5    License: BSD License

Formation of the neural network architecture of the model (FI V2)

res_load_video_model_deep_fe = _b5.load_video_model_deep_fe(
    show_summary = False, # Displaying the formed neural network architecture of the model
    out = True, # Display
    runtime = True, # Runtime count
    run = True # Run blocking

[2023-12-10 17:08:31] Formation of neural network architecture for obtaining deep features (video modality) …

— Runtime: 1.118 sec. —

Downloading the weights of the neural network model

# Core settings
_b5.path_to_save_ = './models' # Directory to save the file
_b5.chunk_size_ = 2000000 # File download size from network in 1 step

url = _b5.weights_for_big5_['video']['fi']['fe']['sberdisk']

res_load_video_model_weights_deep_fe = _b5.load_video_model_weights_deep_fe(
    url = url, # Full path to the file with weights of the neural network model
    force_reload = True, # Forced download of a file with weights of a neural network model from the network
    out = True, # Display
    runtime = True, # Runtime count
    run = True # Run blocking

[2023-12-10 17:08:32] Downloading weights of a neural network model to obtain deep features (video modality) …

[2023-12-10 17:08:36] File download “weights_2022-11-01_12-27-07.h5” (100.0%) …

— Runtime: 4.042 sec. —

Displaying the formed neural network architecture of the model

Model: "model_1"
 Layer (type)                   Output Shape         Param #     Connected to
 input_1 (InputLayer)           [(None, 224, 224, 3  0           []

 conv1/7x7_s2 (Conv2D)          (None, 112, 112, 64  9408        ['input_1[0][0]']

 conv1/7x7_s2/bn (BatchNormaliz  (None, 112, 112, 64  256        ['conv1/7x7_s2[0][0]']
 ation)                         )

 activation (Activation)        (None, 112, 112, 64  0           ['conv1/7x7_s2/bn[0][0]']

 max_pooling2d (MaxPooling2D)   (None, 55, 55, 64)   0           ['activation[0][0]']

 conv2_1_1x1_reduce (Conv2D)    (None, 55, 55, 64)   4096        ['max_pooling2d[0][0]']

 conv2_1_1x1_reduce/bn (BatchNo  (None, 55, 55, 64)  256         ['conv2_1_1x1_reduce[0][0]']

 activation_1 (Activation)      (None, 55, 55, 64)   0           ['conv2_1_1x1_reduce/bn[0][0]']

 conv2_1_3x3 (Conv2D)           (None, 55, 55, 64)   36864       ['activation_1[0][0]']

 conv2_1_3x3/bn (BatchNormaliza  (None, 55, 55, 64)  256         ['conv2_1_3x3[0][0]']

 activation_2 (Activation)      (None, 55, 55, 64)   0           ['conv2_1_3x3/bn[0][0]']

 conv2_1_1x1_increase (Conv2D)  (None, 55, 55, 256)  16384       ['activation_2[0][0]']

 conv2_1_1x1_proj (Conv2D)      (None, 55, 55, 256)  16384       ['max_pooling2d[0][0]']

 conv2_1_1x1_increase/bn (Batch  (None, 55, 55, 256)  1024       ['conv2_1_1x1_increase[0][0]']

 conv2_1_1x1_proj/bn (BatchNorm  (None, 55, 55, 256)  1024       ['conv2_1_1x1_proj[0][0]']

 add (Add)                      (None, 55, 55, 256)  0           ['conv2_1_1x1_increase/bn[0][0]',

 activation_3 (Activation)      (None, 55, 55, 256)  0           ['add[0][0]']

 conv2_2_1x1_reduce (Conv2D)    (None, 55, 55, 64)   16384       ['activation_3[0][0]']

 conv2_2_1x1_reduce/bn (BatchNo  (None, 55, 55, 64)  256         ['conv2_2_1x1_reduce[0][0]']

 activation_4 (Activation)      (None, 55, 55, 64)   0           ['conv2_2_1x1_reduce/bn[0][0]']

 conv2_2_3x3 (Conv2D)           (None, 55, 55, 64)   36864       ['activation_4[0][0]']

 conv2_2_3x3/bn (BatchNormaliza  (None, 55, 55, 64)  256         ['conv2_2_3x3[0][0]']

 activation_5 (Activation)      (None, 55, 55, 64)   0           ['conv2_2_3x3/bn[0][0]']

 conv2_2_1x1_increase (Conv2D)  (None, 55, 55, 256)  16384       ['activation_5[0][0]']

 conv2_2_1x1_increase/bn (Batch  (None, 55, 55, 256)  1024       ['conv2_2_1x1_increase[0][0]']

 add_1 (Add)                    (None, 55, 55, 256)  0           ['conv2_2_1x1_increase/bn[0][0]',

 activation_6 (Activation)      (None, 55, 55, 256)  0           ['add_1[0][0]']

 conv2_3_1x1_reduce (Conv2D)    (None, 55, 55, 64)   16384       ['activation_6[0][0]']

 conv2_3_1x1_reduce/bn (BatchNo  (None, 55, 55, 64)  256         ['conv2_3_1x1_reduce[0][0]']

 activation_7 (Activation)      (None, 55, 55, 64)   0           ['conv2_3_1x1_reduce/bn[0][0]']

 conv2_3_3x3 (Conv2D)           (None, 55, 55, 64)   36864       ['activation_7[0][0]']

 conv2_3_3x3/bn (BatchNormaliza  (None, 55, 55, 64)  256         ['conv2_3_3x3[0][0]']

 activation_8 (Activation)      (None, 55, 55, 64)   0           ['conv2_3_3x3/bn[0][0]']

 conv2_3_1x1_increase (Conv2D)  (None, 55, 55, 256)  16384       ['activation_8[0][0]']

 conv2_3_1x1_increase/bn (Batch  (None, 55, 55, 256)  1024       ['conv2_3_1x1_increase[0][0]']

 add_2 (Add)                    (None, 55, 55, 256)  0           ['conv2_3_1x1_increase/bn[0][0]',

 activation_9 (Activation)      (None, 55, 55, 256)  0           ['add_2[0][0]']

 conv3_1_1x1_reduce (Conv2D)    (None, 28, 28, 128)  32768       ['activation_9[0][0]']

 conv3_1_1x1_reduce/bn (BatchNo  (None, 28, 28, 128)  512        ['conv3_1_1x1_reduce[0][0]']

 activation_10 (Activation)     (None, 28, 28, 128)  0           ['conv3_1_1x1_reduce/bn[0][0]']

 conv3_1_3x3 (Conv2D)           (None, 28, 28, 128)  147456      ['activation_10[0][0]']

 conv3_1_3x3/bn (BatchNormaliza  (None, 28, 28, 128)  512        ['conv3_1_3x3[0][0]']

 activation_11 (Activation)     (None, 28, 28, 128)  0           ['conv3_1_3x3/bn[0][0]']

 conv3_1_1x1_increase (Conv2D)  (None, 28, 28, 512)  65536       ['activation_11[0][0]']

 conv3_1_1x1_proj (Conv2D)      (None, 28, 28, 512)  131072      ['activation_9[0][0]']

 conv3_1_1x1_increase/bn (Batch  (None, 28, 28, 512)  2048       ['conv3_1_1x1_increase[0][0]']

 conv3_1_1x1_proj/bn (BatchNorm  (None, 28, 28, 512)  2048       ['conv3_1_1x1_proj[0][0]']

 add_3 (Add)                    (None, 28, 28, 512)  0           ['conv3_1_1x1_increase/bn[0][0]',

 activation_12 (Activation)     (None, 28, 28, 512)  0           ['add_3[0][0]']

 conv3_2_1x1_reduce (Conv2D)    (None, 28, 28, 128)  65536       ['activation_12[0][0]']

 conv3_2_1x1_reduce/bn (BatchNo  (None, 28, 28, 128)  512        ['conv3_2_1x1_reduce[0][0]']

 activation_13 (Activation)     (None, 28, 28, 128)  0           ['conv3_2_1x1_reduce/bn[0][0]']

 conv3_2_3x3 (Conv2D)           (None, 28, 28, 128)  147456      ['activation_13[0][0]']

 conv3_2_3x3/bn (BatchNormaliza  (None, 28, 28, 128)  512        ['conv3_2_3x3[0][0]']

 activation_14 (Activation)     (None, 28, 28, 128)  0           ['conv3_2_3x3/bn[0][0]']

 conv3_2_1x1_increase (Conv2D)  (None, 28, 28, 512)  65536       ['activation_14[0][0]']

 conv3_2_1x1_increase/bn (Batch  (None, 28, 28, 512)  2048       ['conv3_2_1x1_increase[0][0]']

 add_4 (Add)                    (None, 28, 28, 512)  0           ['conv3_2_1x1_increase/bn[0][0]',

 activation_15 (Activation)     (None, 28, 28, 512)  0           ['add_4[0][0]']

 conv3_3_1x1_reduce (Conv2D)    (None, 28, 28, 128)  65536       ['activation_15[0][0]']

 conv3_3_1x1_reduce/bn (BatchNo  (None, 28, 28, 128)  512        ['conv3_3_1x1_reduce[0][0]']

 activation_16 (Activation)     (None, 28, 28, 128)  0           ['conv3_3_1x1_reduce/bn[0][0]']

 conv3_3_3x3 (Conv2D)           (None, 28, 28, 128)  147456      ['activation_16[0][0]']

 conv3_3_3x3/bn (BatchNormaliza  (None, 28, 28, 128)  512        ['conv3_3_3x3[0][0]']

 activation_17 (Activation)     (None, 28, 28, 128)  0           ['conv3_3_3x3/bn[0][0]']

 conv3_3_1x1_increase (Conv2D)  (None, 28, 28, 512)  65536       ['activation_17[0][0]']

 conv3_3_1x1_increase/bn (Batch  (None, 28, 28, 512)  2048       ['conv3_3_1x1_increase[0][0]']

 add_5 (Add)                    (None, 28, 28, 512)  0           ['conv3_3_1x1_increase/bn[0][0]',

 activation_18 (Activation)     (None, 28, 28, 512)  0           ['add_5[0][0]']

 conv3_4_1x1_reduce (Conv2D)    (None, 28, 28, 128)  65536       ['activation_18[0][0]']

 conv3_4_1x1_reduce/bn (BatchNo  (None, 28, 28, 128)  512        ['conv3_4_1x1_reduce[0][0]']

 activation_19 (Activation)     (None, 28, 28, 128)  0           ['conv3_4_1x1_reduce/bn[0][0]']

 conv3_4_3x3 (Conv2D)           (None, 28, 28, 128)  147456      ['activation_19[0][0]']

 conv3_4_3x3/bn (BatchNormaliza  (None, 28, 28, 128)  512        ['conv3_4_3x3[0][0]']

 activation_20 (Activation)     (None, 28, 28, 128)  0           ['conv3_4_3x3/bn[0][0]']

 conv3_4_1x1_increase (Conv2D)  (None, 28, 28, 512)  65536       ['activation_20[0][0]']

 conv3_4_1x1_increase/bn (Batch  (None, 28, 28, 512)  2048       ['conv3_4_1x1_increase[0][0]']

 add_6 (Add)                    (None, 28, 28, 512)  0           ['conv3_4_1x1_increase/bn[0][0]',

 activation_21 (Activation)     (None, 28, 28, 512)  0           ['add_6[0][0]']

 conv4_1_1x1_reduce (Conv2D)    (None, 14, 14, 256)  131072      ['activation_21[0][0]']

 conv4_1_1x1_reduce/bn (BatchNo  (None, 14, 14, 256)  1024       ['conv4_1_1x1_reduce[0][0]']

 activation_22 (Activation)     (None, 14, 14, 256)  0           ['conv4_1_1x1_reduce/bn[0][0]']

 conv4_1_3x3 (Conv2D)           (None, 14, 14, 256)  589824      ['activation_22[0][0]']

 conv4_1_3x3/bn (BatchNormaliza  (None, 14, 14, 256)  1024       ['conv4_1_3x3[0][0]']

 activation_23 (Activation)     (None, 14, 14, 256)  0           ['conv4_1_3x3/bn[0][0]']

 conv4_1_1x1_increase (Conv2D)  (None, 14, 14, 1024  262144      ['activation_23[0][0]']

 conv4_1_1x1_proj (Conv2D)      (None, 14, 14, 1024  524288      ['activation_21[0][0]']

 conv4_1_1x1_increase/bn (Batch  (None, 14, 14, 1024  4096       ['conv4_1_1x1_increase[0][0]']
 Normalization)                 )

 conv4_1_1x1_proj/bn (BatchNorm  (None, 14, 14, 1024  4096       ['conv4_1_1x1_proj[0][0]']
 alization)                     )

 add_7 (Add)                    (None, 14, 14, 1024  0           ['conv4_1_1x1_increase/bn[0][0]',
                                )                                 'conv4_1_1x1_proj/bn[0][0]']

 activation_24 (Activation)     (None, 14, 14, 1024  0           ['add_7[0][0]']

 conv4_2_1x1_reduce (Conv2D)    (None, 14, 14, 256)  262144      ['activation_24[0][0]']

 conv4_2_1x1_reduce/bn (BatchNo  (None, 14, 14, 256)  1024       ['conv4_2_1x1_reduce[0][0]']

 activation_25 (Activation)     (None, 14, 14, 256)  0           ['conv4_2_1x1_reduce/bn[0][0]']

 conv4_2_3x3 (Conv2D)           (None, 14, 14, 256)  589824      ['activation_25[0][0]']

 conv4_2_3x3/bn (BatchNormaliza  (None, 14, 14, 256)  1024       ['conv4_2_3x3[0][0]']

 activation_26 (Activation)     (None, 14, 14, 256)  0           ['conv4_2_3x3/bn[0][0]']

 conv4_2_1x1_increase (Conv2D)  (None, 14, 14, 1024  262144      ['activation_26[0][0]']

 conv4_2_1x1_increase/bn (Batch  (None, 14, 14, 1024  4096       ['conv4_2_1x1_increase[0][0]']
 Normalization)                 )

 add_8 (Add)                    (None, 14, 14, 1024  0           ['conv4_2_1x1_increase/bn[0][0]',
                                )                                 'activation_24[0][0]']

 activation_27 (Activation)     (None, 14, 14, 1024  0           ['add_8[0][0]']

 conv4_3_1x1_reduce (Conv2D)    (None, 14, 14, 256)  262144      ['activation_27[0][0]']

 conv4_3_1x1_reduce/bn (BatchNo  (None, 14, 14, 256)  1024       ['conv4_3_1x1_reduce[0][0]']

 activation_28 (Activation)     (None, 14, 14, 256)  0           ['conv4_3_1x1_reduce/bn[0][0]']

 conv4_3_3x3 (Conv2D)           (None, 14, 14, 256)  589824      ['activation_28[0][0]']

 conv4_3_3x3/bn (BatchNormaliza  (None, 14, 14, 256)  1024       ['conv4_3_3x3[0][0]']

 activation_29 (Activation)     (None, 14, 14, 256)  0           ['conv4_3_3x3/bn[0][0]']

 conv4_3_1x1_increase (Conv2D)  (None, 14, 14, 1024  262144      ['activation_29[0][0]']

 conv4_3_1x1_increase/bn (Batch  (None, 14, 14, 1024  4096       ['conv4_3_1x1_increase[0][0]']
 Normalization)                 )

 add_9 (Add)                    (None, 14, 14, 1024  0           ['conv4_3_1x1_increase/bn[0][0]',
                                )                                 'activation_27[0][0]']

 activation_30 (Activation)     (None, 14, 14, 1024  0           ['add_9[0][0]']

 conv4_4_1x1_reduce (Conv2D)    (None, 14, 14, 256)  262144      ['activation_30[0][0]']

 conv4_4_1x1_reduce/bn (BatchNo  (None, 14, 14, 256)  1024       ['conv4_4_1x1_reduce[0][0]']

 activation_31 (Activation)     (None, 14, 14, 256)  0           ['conv4_4_1x1_reduce/bn[0][0]']

 conv4_4_3x3 (Conv2D)           (None, 14, 14, 256)  589824      ['activation_31[0][0]']

 conv4_4_3x3/bn (BatchNormaliza  (None, 14, 14, 256)  1024       ['conv4_4_3x3[0][0]']

 activation_32 (Activation)     (None, 14, 14, 256)  0           ['conv4_4_3x3/bn[0][0]']

 conv4_4_1x1_increase (Conv2D)  (None, 14, 14, 1024  262144      ['activation_32[0][0]']

 conv4_4_1x1_increase/bn (Batch  (None, 14, 14, 1024  4096       ['conv4_4_1x1_increase[0][0]']
 Normalization)                 )

 add_10 (Add)                   (None, 14, 14, 1024  0           ['conv4_4_1x1_increase/bn[0][0]',
                                )                                 'activation_30[0][0]']

 activation_33 (Activation)     (None, 14, 14, 1024  0           ['add_10[0][0]']

 conv4_5_1x1_reduce (Conv2D)    (None, 14, 14, 256)  262144      ['activation_33[0][0]']

 conv4_5_1x1_reduce/bn (BatchNo  (None, 14, 14, 256)  1024       ['conv4_5_1x1_reduce[0][0]']

 activation_34 (Activation)     (None, 14, 14, 256)  0           ['conv4_5_1x1_reduce/bn[0][0]']

 conv4_5_3x3 (Conv2D)           (None, 14, 14, 256)  589824      ['activation_34[0][0]']

 conv4_5_3x3/bn (BatchNormaliza  (None, 14, 14, 256)  1024       ['conv4_5_3x3[0][0]']

 activation_35 (Activation)     (None, 14, 14, 256)  0           ['conv4_5_3x3/bn[0][0]']

 conv4_5_1x1_increase (Conv2D)  (None, 14, 14, 1024  262144      ['activation_35[0][0]']

 conv4_5_1x1_increase/bn (Batch  (None, 14, 14, 1024  4096       ['conv4_5_1x1_increase[0][0]']
 Normalization)                 )

 add_11 (Add)                   (None, 14, 14, 1024  0           ['conv4_5_1x1_increase/bn[0][0]',
                                )                                 'activation_33[0][0]']

 activation_36 (Activation)     (None, 14, 14, 1024  0           ['add_11[0][0]']

 conv4_6_1x1_reduce (Conv2D)    (None, 14, 14, 256)  262144      ['activation_36[0][0]']

 conv4_6_1x1_reduce/bn (BatchNo  (None, 14, 14, 256)  1024       ['conv4_6_1x1_reduce[0][0]']

 activation_37 (Activation)     (None, 14, 14, 256)  0           ['conv4_6_1x1_reduce/bn[0][0]']

 conv4_6_3x3 (Conv2D)           (None, 14, 14, 256)  589824      ['activation_37[0][0]']

 conv4_6_3x3/bn (BatchNormaliza  (None, 14, 14, 256)  1024       ['conv4_6_3x3[0][0]']

 activation_38 (Activation)     (None, 14, 14, 256)  0           ['conv4_6_3x3/bn[0][0]']

 conv4_6_1x1_increase (Conv2D)  (None, 14, 14, 1024  262144      ['activation_38[0][0]']

 conv4_6_1x1_increase/bn (Batch  (None, 14, 14, 1024  4096       ['conv4_6_1x1_increase[0][0]']
 Normalization)                 )

 add_12 (Add)                   (None, 14, 14, 1024  0           ['conv4_6_1x1_increase/bn[0][0]',
                                )                                 'activation_36[0][0]']

 activation_39 (Activation)     (None, 14, 14, 1024  0           ['add_12[0][0]']

 conv5_1_1x1_reduce (Conv2D)    (None, 7, 7, 512)    524288      ['activation_39[0][0]']

 conv5_1_1x1_reduce/bn (BatchNo  (None, 7, 7, 512)   2048        ['conv5_1_1x1_reduce[0][0]']

 activation_40 (Activation)     (None, 7, 7, 512)    0           ['conv5_1_1x1_reduce/bn[0][0]']

 conv5_1_3x3 (Conv2D)           (None, 7, 7, 512)    2359296     ['activation_40[0][0]']

 conv5_1_3x3/bn (BatchNormaliza  (None, 7, 7, 512)   2048        ['conv5_1_3x3[0][0]']

 activation_41 (Activation)     (None, 7, 7, 512)    0           ['conv5_1_3x3/bn[0][0]']

 conv5_1_1x1_increase (Conv2D)  (None, 7, 7, 2048)   1048576     ['activation_41[0][0]']

 conv5_1_1x1_proj (Conv2D)      (None, 7, 7, 2048)   2097152     ['activation_39[0][0]']

 conv5_1_1x1_increase/bn (Batch  (None, 7, 7, 2048)  8192        ['conv5_1_1x1_increase[0][0]']

 conv5_1_1x1_proj/bn (BatchNorm  (None, 7, 7, 2048)  8192        ['conv5_1_1x1_proj[0][0]']

 add_13 (Add)                   (None, 7, 7, 2048)   0           ['conv5_1_1x1_increase/bn[0][0]',

 activation_42 (Activation)     (None, 7, 7, 2048)   0           ['add_13[0][0]']

 conv5_2_1x1_reduce (Conv2D)    (None, 7, 7, 512)    1048576     ['activation_42[0][0]']

 conv5_2_1x1_reduce/bn (BatchNo  (None, 7, 7, 512)   2048        ['conv5_2_1x1_reduce[0][0]']

 activation_43 (Activation)     (None, 7, 7, 512)    0           ['conv5_2_1x1_reduce/bn[0][0]']

 conv5_2_3x3 (Conv2D)           (None, 7, 7, 512)    2359296     ['activation_43[0][0]']

 conv5_2_3x3/bn (BatchNormaliza  (None, 7, 7, 512)   2048        ['conv5_2_3x3[0][0]']

 activation_44 (Activation)     (None, 7, 7, 512)    0           ['conv5_2_3x3/bn[0][0]']

 conv5_2_1x1_increase (Conv2D)  (None, 7, 7, 2048)   1048576     ['activation_44[0][0]']

 conv5_2_1x1_increase/bn (Batch  (None, 7, 7, 2048)  8192        ['conv5_2_1x1_increase[0][0]']

 add_14 (Add)                   (None, 7, 7, 2048)   0           ['conv5_2_1x1_increase/bn[0][0]',

 activation_45 (Activation)     (None, 7, 7, 2048)   0           ['add_14[0][0]']

 conv5_3_1x1_reduce (Conv2D)    (None, 7, 7, 512)    1048576     ['activation_45[0][0]']

 conv5_3_1x1_reduce/bn (BatchNo  (None, 7, 7, 512)   2048        ['conv5_3_1x1_reduce[0][0]']

 activation_46 (Activation)     (None, 7, 7, 512)    0           ['conv5_3_1x1_reduce/bn[0][0]']

 conv5_3_3x3 (Conv2D)           (None, 7, 7, 512)    2359296     ['activation_46[0][0]']

 conv5_3_3x3/bn (BatchNormaliza  (None, 7, 7, 512)   2048        ['conv5_3_3x3[0][0]']

 activation_47 (Activation)     (None, 7, 7, 512)    0           ['conv5_3_3x3/bn[0][0]']

 conv5_3_1x1_increase (Conv2D)  (None, 7, 7, 2048)   1048576     ['activation_47[0][0]']

 conv5_3_1x1_increase/bn (Batch  (None, 7, 7, 2048)  8192        ['conv5_3_1x1_increase[0][0]']

 add_15 (Add)                   (None, 7, 7, 2048)   0           ['conv5_3_1x1_increase/bn[0][0]',

 activation_48 (Activation)     (None, 7, 7, 2048)   0           ['add_15[0][0]']

 avg_pool (AveragePooling2D)    (None, 1, 1, 2048)   0           ['activation_48[0][0]']

 global_average_pooling2d (Glob  (None, 2048)        0           ['avg_pool[0][0]']

 gaussian_noise (GaussianNoise)  (None, 2048)        0           ['global_average_pooling2d[0][0]'

 dense_x (Dense)                (None, 512)          1049088     ['gaussian_noise[0][0]']

Total params: 24,610,240
Trainable params: 24,557,120
Non-trainable params: 53,120